Tuesday, December 1, 2020

BLT-62 Update on Day 28 - End-of-Flight Report

(Updated on 12/9/2020) BLT-62 last reported it position on Saturday, Nov 28th @2138Z from grid square DL56 over western Mexico (about 600 miles WSW of its launch site and ~860 miles from Houston). As it's now been almost 2 weeks without a report, I'm ready to call it end-of-flight for BLT-62. It's been 3 days now but I'm not ready to give  up on it yet as we have seen this tracker not 'wake up' and report for a day, and others have had their payloads go silent for a week or more.  So I'm going to give it another week or so before declaring it down and end of the flight.  

Some flight statistics...
Flight duration: 28 days, 6 hours
Circumnavigations: 1.98 (might have actually made 2 complete trips, if only we had a report on Sunday...)
Flight ground travel: 91,529 km (56,874 miles) - per LU7AA tracking website
Maximum Altitude: between 11,100-12,000m (resolution limit of the ZachTek), although I'm saying around 37,000 feet
WSPR receptions: 3284 WSPR reports received (2963 on 20m and 321 on 30m) from 262 unique stations 
APRS reports: 670 position reports posted by WB8ELK
Grids reported: 103 grids (it flew over more grid but these are the ones reported via WSPR)
Strongest WSPR reception: +24dB on 20m by KR4JV (EM66) while balloon was 1211km (753 miles) away in EL86.
Longest WSPR reception: 7941km (4934 miles) by OE9GHV (JN47) on 20m while balloon was in EL96. (SNR of -24dB)

To the Edge of Space!